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Are carbs bad?

Published 11 months ago • 4 min read

In this issue of Tiny Tips Tuesday, you'll discover:

-How carbs affect health and weight loss

-The difference between simple and complex carbs

-When is it okay to eat simple carbs

+ One simple rule of thumb for knowing which carbs to eat and which ones to avoid.

Let's dive in:

Carbs: A Weapon of Mass Weight Gain or Energy Source?

If you've ever done a diet like the Keto diet or the Whole30 the #1 thing they have in common is zero tolerance for carbs.

Carbs are the enemy of the weight loss community.

But all are carbs bad?

The simple answer is no.

Carbohydrates are needed by the body in order to produce energy.

Imagine your body is a car.

In order for the car to run and keep going it requires gasoline.

Carbs, or gasoline in this example, are what your body needs to produce energy in the form of Glucose.

No gas, no energy.

But here's the thing:

Your car knows when it has the right amount of gasoline and when there's too much.

When there's too much gasoline going into the tank the gas begins to spill out and spread everywhere.

Your body is no different.

When your body has an excess of glucose, produced by eating too many carbs, it decides to store the excess glucose in the body in the form of fat.

This is why fasting or not consuming carbs is great for fat loss.

When you stop consuming carbs the body begins to get energy from all the glucose already stored on your body in the form of fat.

But here's another thing, there are two types of gasoline your car can take:

Simple Carbs and Complex Carbs

Both produce energy but at different rates.

Here's how they differentiate:

Simple Carbs:

Think of simple carbs as instant energy.

When you consume simple carbs such as sugar or refined grains (bread, white rice, etc) your body quickly digests them, producing a massive spike in your blood glucose levels.

This triggers the release of insulin which can promote fat storage in the body making it hard to lose weight.

This is also why you may have an energy crash after eating pasta, a sandwich, or a donut.

The American Standard Diet is filled with simple carbs like pasta, bread, and sugary snacks.

Is it any wonder we are the most obese country in the world?

If you're going to consume carbs it's important to avoid simple carbs and stick with complex carbs.

Complex Carbs:

Complex carbs are digested slower, causing less of a spike in your blood glucose levels.

Think of complex carbs as time-released energy.

When you consume complex carbs such as whole grains and vegetables you still see an increase in blood glucose levels but it's at a much slower rate.

Creating less of a release of insulin.

Instead of giving you an instant burst of energy complex carbs give you a slow and steady state of continuous energy.

Your body needs carbs to maintain its energy levels (this is especially true for active people)

Understanding which carbs will serve you and which will hurt you is what separates the standard American (fat, tired, and weak) from a peak performer.

Eating too many simple carbs will result in:

-Energy crashes

-More weight gain

-Poorer health outcomes

As a rule of thumb it's better to avoid simple carbs and eat more complex carbs.

Is it ever okay to eat simple carbs?

The ideal answer is no.

But there are some instances where simple carbs can be useful.

The main one is right before you're about to work out, especially if it's going to be an intense workout.

Eating simple carbs, like fruit or candy, right before a workout turns the glucose into instant energy for the muscles

Without the use of insulin.

This means your muscles are getting all the energy they need without causing glucose to store in your body as fat.

This is why powerlifters are known to eat gummy bears and sugary snacks right before they lift (bro science wins again)

The average person is not working out hard enough to take advantage of it, so I don't recommend trying this.

But if you were looking for an excuse to eat some sugar doing so before an intense workout is the one you're looking for.

So how do you know what carbs to eat and which ones to avoid?

A simple rule of thumb to follow is one I stole from Tim Ferris:

If it's white, don't eat it.

White carbs such as bread, pastas, crackers, and chips are all simple carbs that will spike your glucose and hurt your body fat.

Whole grain breads, pastas, and crackers are okay

But still should be avoided if you're trying to lose weight.

Remember, your body needs carbs in order to have energy.

If you're a fairly active person who's already fit then it's okay to consume carbs (although not too many)

But if you're trying to lose weight then it's extremely important to avoid simple carbs and focus on eating complex carbs.

Carbs are not bad

Overdoing them is.

Learning to use them properly will help you sustain your energy levels while continuing to fight off weight gain.



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Welcome to The Life Launch Newsletter

By Miles C. Hill

Subscribe today to receive weekly emails discussing Peak Performance, Longevity, Fitness, Life Optimization and so much more.

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