Bulking Season: 3 strategies for getting jacked

Fall is here, which means bulking season is upon us.

Last year was the first time I did a serious bulking session and I came out with incredible results.

I was able to go from about 195 lbs to around 210 lbs in a matter of 4 months.

A lot of my gains were muscle, but there was also more fat gained than I would have liked.

This time I around I've fine tuned my bulking strategy to make sure I'm minimizing the fat I gain and maximizing my muscle gains.

If you're tired of being scrawny and week, follow this plan.

1) Caloric Surplus

Last time around I wasn't tracking my calories and was simply trying to eat as much as possible.

This resulted in me eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

This is what's considered a "dirty bulk" and will always result in more fat being put on your body than you would like.

In order to bulk you need to be in a caloric surplus, but you don't have to over do it.

Studies have shown that you can put on muscle by simply adding an extra 500-600 calories to your maintenance level (normal level) of daily calories.

That means in order to hit a surplus that minimizes fat gain all you have to do is add a little bit extra to your diet.

For me, I'm adding rice to both my breakfast and lunch and adding some extra fruit throughout the day.

Don't overkill it.

Simply eat a little bit more than you're used to and you'll gain muscle, while minimizing fat.

2) Progressive Overload/Intensity

You can't grow your muscles without stimulating them.

Here's how I plan to stimulate my muscles to maximum growth:

a) Progressive overload: This is the practice of increasing weight, sets, or reps each week. When you increase one of these areas your stimulate your muscles enough to grow. This means tracking your progress by using an app or writing down each of your lifts.

b) Intensity: In order to stimulate your muscles you need to be pushing them as close to failure as possible. Taking each set to 2-0 Reps in Reserve (2 meaning you could theoretically do 2 more reps, 0 being complete failure) will stimulate your muscles enough for growth.

Being in a caloric surplus will give you more energy to go harder in the gym.

Use progressive overload and high intensity to stimulate muscle growth.

3) Recovery

This is the most underrated step when it comes to building muscle.

Your body needs time to recover in order to stimulate muscle growth.

This means getting plenty of sleep.

Not hitting the same muscle group multiple times in the week.

Giving your body the nutrients and protein it needs to build muscle.

If you skip out on recovery your body will never grow the way it needs to.

99% of people reading this will skip this step when it comes to bulking

Be the 1% of who gets amazing results.

That it.

3 steps to completely transforming your body in a matter of months.

Want to take your gains to the next level?

Respond to this email with YES and I'll email you my personal workout plan for the next 2 weeks.

This is exactly what I'll be doing in the gym day by day.

Steal it to get jacked.



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