My AHA Moment

Read this email till the end to drop all excuses when it comes to transforming your health.

Story time.

3 years ago my doctor gave me some news that changed my life.

As he looked over my chart, I noticed he was looking at the numbers longer than usual.

This wasn't good...

He looked up at me and said, "Your blood pressure is much higher than we would like. If we're not able to get this down, you're going to have to start taking blood pressure medication..."

I could feel the pit in my stomach grow to the size of a melon.

For most people, being put on blood pressure medication may seem normal.

But for me, it was a sign that one my greatest fears was becoming a reality.

You see, my favorite has a history of suffering from heart disease.

I'd seen countless family members be told their blood pressure was too high and that they had to go on medication

A medication they had to be on for life

3 weeks before this doctors visit I was told my grandmother only had a few days to live after they discovered she had heart disease.

This was a shock to our family.

On the outside my grandmother seemed healthy.

She wasn't very overweight.

She walked regularly.

She tried to eat decent.

Yet on the inside her heart was deteriorating.

Hearing I had to go on heart medication, at age 28, only made me think about my family's health more.

4 weeks before this, my wife found out she was pregnant with our first child.

I had hit the trifecta:

-Baby on the way

-Grandmother dying of a mainly preventable disease

-Doctor telling you you're on the fast track for that disease

If you're looking for a signal, this was a massive billboard saying "TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH".

I had 2 options:

-Take the medication and be reliant on it for the rest of my life

-Start taking my health into my own hands

If I wanted to live a long life, and experience time with my son and future grandchildren

I ha to star making changes NOW.

At the time, I was about 20 lbs overweight, had very little muscle, and my health markers were all out of whack.

I knew I needed to make change but had no idea where to start.

So I quickly googled, "health podcasts" and found Peter Attia's "The Drive"

I started listening like a mad man.

Episode after episode.

This lead me to start reading books.

I started with fitness, nutrition, and eventually into longevity books.

I read research papers and watched youtube videos.

Taking notes on everything I came across

If it stood out to me, I put it in my notebook.

All of my spare time was focused around finding the secret to living a healthier longer life.

I wasn't just learning, I was also applying what I learned.

Day after day, doing the little habits that I knew would make a difference.

One day, after looking through all the notes I had taken over the past few months I noticed something remarkable.

All the books, videos, podcasts, and studies had a few things in common.

They all contained 6 main principles to focus on to improve your health and longevity.

Of course there were other little things here and there

But in order to see a huge difference

All you had to do is focus on 6 things.

Over the course of the last 2 years I've put all my health in those 6 baskets

And received incredible results:

-My blood pressure has dropped down to normal (no medication needed)

-I'm stronger than I've ever been

-My body fat percentage has dropped

-I have more energy than ever

-I feel happier and healthier than ever.

I realize that if these 6 principles could change my life

They could help other people as well.

And I want to share them with you

If you want to know what these 6 principles are, reply "YES" to this email and I'll send them to you completely free.

Take advantage of these 6 principles to transform your health and life today



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