Elon Musk level Motivation

Yesterday I witnessed on of the greatest moments in american innovation.

If you were on social media, then you probably saw clips of Elon Musk's company SpaceX doing something never done before in history:

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Elon Musk
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8:47 AM • Oct 13, 2024

They were able to catch the heavy boosters of a rocket, with essentially chopsticks

Making it reusable again in the future.

This will make space travel dramatically cheaper, and just made the space travel industry feasible for the future.

This was an incredible moment in American Innovation history.

What was even better about witnessing this moment was getting to watch it all happen with my 2 year old son.

As the rocket boosters were caught, he began cheering with the SpaceX crowd.

For the next hour all he did was talk about rocketships and have me fly him around like he was one (this was very tiring but worth it).

This is generational inspiration.

And what's even more incredible about this is that when Elon Musk came up with this idea, everyone laughed at him and called him crazy:

But instead of doing what everyone else thought

Elon stuck to his gut and took the route least traveled.

I share this with you for one reason:

Achieving your goals is a lonely journey.

Whether it's transforming your body, starting that business, and deciding to become a father

The bigger the goal you have, the more different it is than your peers, the lonelier it will be.

People will question you.

People will doubt you.

You'll face criticism and set backs.

But if you truly believe it it, and want it bad enough, the lonely journey is worth it.

Because if you decide to keep going

If you can push through the doubt and criticism

Then you'll come out of it doing something great.

Something that will not only change your life

But could inspire your children and loved ones to do the same.

So this week I want you to focus on ONE thing:

F*ck the haters, doubters, and second guessers.

Go after what you want with full commitment.

Take the steps necessary to start making changes, even if those steps require an emotional, physical, or financial investment.

Your goals are worth going after.



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