Monday Morning Motivation

This email will be short but will hit you harder than 3 cups of coffee after a bad night of sleep.

Life can be broken down into 2 choices:

1) Thinking

2) Doing

The majority of people spend too much time thinking.

They think about going to the gym.

They think about finding another job.

They think about having a child.

But the problem with thinking is that doing too much of it is a great way to guarantee you never take action.

The more you think about doing something the more excuses you come up with for not doing it.

You don't have enough time.

You don't have enough experience.

You don't have enough money.

Blah blah blah.

Thinking gets you nowhere.

The only way to achieve life changing results is by taking ACTION.

And here's the thing:

You'll learn more in the first week of action than you will a year of thinking and planning.

Action produces results.

Even if those results aren't what you're aiming for, you'll quickly learn what not to do

This allows you to discover the right actions.

So this week I want you to focus on ONE thing:


Go to the gym.

Start that side hustle you've been thinking about.

Talk with your wife about the idea of growing your family.

Action is scary

Living with regret is a never ending nightmare.

Stop thinking about doing it and just DO IT.

Commit today and your life will change for the better.



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