High Energy Morning Routine

If you're reading this email then you're one of the few people in the world who actually want to make something of your life.

You want to be healthier.

You want to perform better.

You want to achieve more.

The only way to maximize your life's potential is to maximize your daily energy.

Energy is your life force.

It's what keeps you focused and motivated.

Without it, you'll float through life aimlessly, dreaming of having more instead of achieving it.

Energy is your greatest currency.

So how do you become energy rich?

By optimizing your morning routine.

How you start the day determines how the rest of your day will go.

Start out your day in a low energy way and the rest of your day will be lethargic and unfocused.

Start out your day with a high energy routine and you'll dominate your day.

In order to have a high energy day your morning routine needs to focus on 3 things:

1) Getting enough sleep: Your morning routine starts the night before. Getting to bed early is the best thing you can do for your performance the following day.

Turn off the TV.

Stop scrolling your phone in bed.

Go to sleep early.

Here's the best part:

When you have a high energy day, meaning you're extremely productive, your body will be so tired you'll want to go to bed early.

Break the cycle of late nights once and you'll never go back.

2) Physical Activity: The best way to start your day is with physical activity. This doesn't have to be right when you wake up, but you should be doing something physical in the first 2 hours of your day.

Whether that's going to the gym


Or doing 100 pushups

Do anything that raises your heart rate in the morning.

Physical activity in the morning regulates your blood sugar levels giving you stable energy for the rest of your day.

Get your body moving early.

3) Breakfast for Kings: Eating a high protein breakfast is essential for having a high energy day.

Eating a high carb breakfast (oatmeal, cereal, pastry, etc) spikes your blood sugar levels causing you to crash shortly after.

Protein kick starts your metabolism and keeps your blood sugar stable for the day.

Aim to always eat at least 30 grams of protein in the morning.

This could be in the form of eggs, beef, or simply taking a protein shake (make sure it's a good source).

Start your day with protein.

So this week I want you to focus on ONE thing:

Creating a high energy morning routine.

If you want to achieve more in life and feel more energized, your morning routine is essential.

Focus on these 3 target areas for your morning routine and you will have a higher energy day.



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