The Sleep Bible: 10 Commandments of Sleep

This email will take 3.5 minutes to finish but if you read it to the end you'll learn the secret to a perfect night of sleep.

As a parent to a toddler, getting a good night of sleep is crucial.

If my son is able to sleep through the night (which has been rare until recently) it only means he will be that more energized during the day.

Which means if I want to keep up with him...

And get my work done...

And grow my business...

And show up for my wife...

Then I need to keep my energy levels as high as possible.

The best way to improve your energy is to get a good night of sleep.

Sleep affects so many things in our lives.

It affects things like your energy, muscle growth, hormone regulation, as well as your risk of death.

Yes, getting a consistent 8 hours of quality sleep per night has been shown to decrease your risk of all-cause mortality by up to 48%.

But sadly around 72% of people say they are chronically tired and not getting good sleep.

That changes today.

In order to master your sleep you need to adopt what I call the Sleep Bible.

There are 10 Commandments for getting good sleep.

Each one falls under three categories:




Follow each of these commandments to dramatically improve your energy, health, and daily performance.


1) Exercise: Being active is one of the best things you can do for improving sleep quality. Exercise burns energy, releases hormones good for sleep, and regulates your circadian rhythm. All things that promote better sleep.

2) Morning Sunlight: Getting 15 minutes of direct sunlight every morning produces melatonin in your body and regulates your circadian rhythm. Step outside first thing in the morning to get better sleep at night

3) Caffeine intake: Consuming caffeine to close to bed can disrupt your sleep. Avoid taking caffeine after 2 pm.

4) Food intake: Consuming food too close to bed time takes energy that should be focused on sleeping, and puts it into digesting food. Avoid eating 3 hours before bed and you'll sleep better.


5) Blue Light: Consuming too much blue light (phone, tv, etc) before bed activates your brain. Avoid blue light, buy blue light blockers, find other activities to calm the mind.

6) Alcohol/Weed: Alcohol and weed are both sleep disruptors. They may help you fall asleep quicker, but both have been shown to disrupt REM and deep sleep. Cut out substances before bed.

7) Supplements: Taking certain supplements can improve the quality of your sleep. I take magnesium glycinate and glycine before bed to enhance my REM and deep sleep.


8) Blackout curtains/Sleep mask: The darker your sleeping space the better you'll sleep. Any light in the room (windows, clocks, phones) can be picked up by your body and disrupt sleep. Invest in blackout curtains or a sleep mask.

9) Mouth Tape: Mouth breathing during sleep has been shown to cause worse sleep outcomes. Taking your mouth shut forces nasal breathing, and improves sleep quality. You can purchase mouth tape for sleep on Amazon for cheap.

10) Cold Room: Your body naturally drops temperature when you sleep. Keeping your room cold makes this process easier, allowing you to go into your sleep cycle sooner. Keep your room below 69 degrees F

Your sleep is essential to your well being and personal performance.

Follow these 10 commandments and you will dramatically improve how you feel, think, and act on a daily basis.



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