Unlocking Unlimited Energy

Being a dad requires boundless energy.

My wife is currently pregnant with our second child, which means she is in the throws of constant fatigue, nausea, and numerous other symptoms that require her to rest.

This means I'm on toddler duty.

If you've ever been in this situation (or plan to one day) you understand how much energy it takes to occupy a toddler throughout the day.

Well yesterday was the motherload of all doozies for me.

We were traveling from a wedding on the east coast, which meant a full day of flying and driving to get back home.

But here's the thing with kids:

They get to take a nap in the car, you don't

So when we got home it was GO-TIME

This meant 3 hours of me playing, feeding, and taking my son to the park until bed time.

Luckily I've taken steps throughout the years to maximize my daily energy.

In order to step up as a father and be there for your family, you need to have boundless energy.

Sadly, most men today set themselves up to live a low energy life.

When you're energy is low you're less capable of:

-Showing up for your family

-Giving your all to your work

-Taking care of yourself so you're happy and healthy

Whoever said time was your greatest currency was a liar.

Energy is your greatest currency in life.

You can have all the time in the world but if you don't have enough energy to make the most of it, the time spent is worthless.

So how do you maximize your energy?

There's 3 simple foundations you need to get correct in order to have boundless energy.

Get these 3 principles in check or else you'll always be left behind:

1) Nutrition: When your body is inflamed it becomes fatigued and groggy. Eating processed food, sugar, or drinking alcohol is one way ticket to low energy island. Instead, focus on eating lots of protein, some carbs in the form of fruit or veggies, and healthy fats.

Your food is what fuels you.

Make sure you're getting the best fuel.

2) Exercise: You're not too tired to exercise, you're tired because you don't exercise. Exercise kickstarts your metabolism and gets your blood flowing. Two things that keep your energy high.

Your exercise doesn't have to be strenuous.

For example, yesterday when I was waiting for my flight in the airport I decided to walk up and down the terminal in order to get my steps in.

The key is to keep moving.

The more you sit, the less overall energy you'll have.

3) Sleep: Your body cannot function without proper sleep. The only way to make sure you're energy is top notch is to focus on getting +8hrs of sleep every night.

This means turning off the football or the show you're steaming and going to bed early.

If you want to succeed in life as a man, you need boundless energy.

So this week I want you to focus on ONE thing:

Focus on taking actions that improve your energy.

Get more sleep.

Avoid garbage food.

Move as much as possible.

Notice what actions help improve your overall energy and which ones decrease it.

You're meant to do great things in life.

But none of that is possible without ENERGY.

Make this week a high energy week.



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